Opor Ayam/Chicken braised in coconut milk. Opor Ayam or chicken braised in coconut milk is ready to serve accompanied with rice and sambal to add the spicy taste./Opor Ayam atau ayam rebus dalam santan siap dihidangkan ditemani nasi dan sambal sebagai penambah selera pedas. Rinse lemon juice off chicken pieces and slide them into the skillet. Turn to coat evenly with spices.
My mum oftenly cook this dish at home because the dish isn't too hot neither too spicy. It can be white or pale yellow dish, can be cook with coconut cream or none, it's up to you. Generally Opor ayam dish has whole. You can cook Opor Ayam/Chicken braised in coconut milk using 17 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.
Ingredients of Opor Ayam/Chicken braised in coconut milk
- It's 500-600 gr of chicken.
- Prepare 5 of boiled eggs.
- You need 2 cans of coconut milk.
- It's 1 of onion.
- It's 5 cloves of garlic.
- You need 1.5 tsp of black pepper powder.
- You need 1.5 tsp of coriander powder.
- Prepare 1 tsp of cumin powder.
- Prepare 1.5-2 tsp of salt.
- It's 1 of lemon grass.
- Prepare 3 of bay leaves.
- It's 1.5 tsp of turmeric powder.
- It's 1/4 tsp of sugar.
- Prepare 3 tbsp of oil.
- You need 2 cm of ginger.
- Prepare 2 cm of galangal.
- It's 3-4 of lime leaves.
Braised Chicken in Coconut Milk "Opor Ayam" (recipe). tumeric and garlic to which coconut milk is added and allowed to simmer. Skinned chicken pieces are then added to the mixture and allowed to braise gently. Absorbing the flavours and remaining deliciously tender in the process. Opor ayam, or chicken simmered in turmeric and coconut milk, is a popular dish from Central Java.
Opor Ayam/Chicken braised in coconut milk instructions
- Peel and wash the onion and garlic. Slice the onion and grate the garlic (I am using mortar to make the garlic paste with other ingredients, black pepper, cumin, and coriander seeds)./Kupas dan cuci bawang bombay dan bawang putih. Iris tipis bawang bombay dan haluskan bawang putih (saya menggunakan lesung untuk membuat pasta bawang putih dengan bahan lain, lada hitam, jinten, dan biji ketumbar)..
- Prepare the saucepan, heat it, adds the oil, saute the onion till golden brown. Add the garlic, black pepper, coriander, cumin, turmeric powder (or the garlic paste), salt, and sugar keep sauteing for 2-3 minutes./Siapkan panci, panaskan, tambahkan minyak, tumis bawang bombay hingga berwarna cokelat keemasan. Tambahkan bawang putih halus, lada hitam, ketumbar, jintan, bubuk kunyit (atau pasta bawang putih), garam, dan gula, tumis terus selama 2-3 menit..
- Add the lemongrass, bay leaves, galangal, ginger, and lime leaves. Continue to sautéing for 2-3 minutes. Then add the chicken and 3 cups of water, boiled eggs, close the lid wait till the chicken is cook./Tambahkan serai, daun salam, lengkuas, jahe, dan daun jeruk. Lanjutkan menumis selama 2-3 menit. Kmd tambahkan ayam, 3 gelas air, telur rebus, tutup panci tunggu sampai ayam matang..
- Once the chicken is cook, add the coconut milk. Gently stir the yellow soup till the soup is boiled./Setelah ayam matang, tambahkan santan. Aduk perlahan sup kuning sampai sup mendidih..
- Opor Ayam or chicken braised in coconut milk is ready to serve accompanied with rice and sambal to add the spicy taste./Opor Ayam atau ayam rebus dalam santan siap dihidangkan ditemani nasi dan sambal sebagai penambah selera pedas. Bon Appetit! Selamat Makan!.
It is often served on Eid, after the fasting month of Ramadan, and is suitable for people who can't take spicy food. 'Opor' means to be braised in coconut milk and 'ayam' is the Indonesian/Malaysian translation of chicken (but it also works beautifully with tofu and green beans!). It's a mild and fragrant curry perfect for the whole family to enjoy - all it needs is a fiery chilli sauce on the side for those who like a bit of heat! Opor Ayam This is a popular curry throughout Indonesia, particularly on the island of Java. 'Ayam' is the Indonesian translation of chicken, and 'opor' means to be braised in coconut milk - it's a mild and fragrant curry perfect for the whole family to e When all the coconut milk is incorporated and the mixture is gently simmering, add the chicken stock. Nestle the chicken into the pan and spoon some of the sauce over the top. Opor ayam is an Indonesian, especially from Central Java, traditional dish of braised chicken cooked in coconut milk.
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